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We love hearing from our former and current students. Simply fill out this form and we can share your experience with prospective students worldwide! We look forward to hearing your story.

Alumni Testimonial

Thank you for telling us your story! The next page will request your consent for marketing purposes, and then you can submit. 

ICRGU Consent Form for Photography and Testimonial Quotes

Purposes of the processing
Navitas wishes to use your image and quotes to celebrate and promote ICRGU. We have included with this consent form our Privacy Notice which explains, in depth, how we will use the photo and quotes with your consent. Please ensure you have read through the privacy notice, so that your consent is fully informed.  If you have any questions, please let us know.
Processing activities
Navitas wishes to use your image in the following ways.  Please consent by ticking the boxes to those you are happy with below. 
Images will be stored and used for no more than 5 years.
ICRGU would also like to use your image on social media platforms. Please tick the social media platforms you consent to your image and quotes being used on below.

Navitas would also like to use your image and quotes in promotional material, globally within Navitas.  This means your image and quotes will be accessed by global marketing teams and used on the Navitas website, for the promotion of ICRGU. Any use globally, if consented to below, will match the promotional material you have consented to above for ICRGU use.
Right to withdraw consent
If you provide us with your consent to use your photo and quotes, you need to understand that you can withdraw your consent at any time.
Please note, however, that should you give us permission to use your photos in brochures or posters, we will make best endeavors to remove this from circulation, but that some copies may not be recoverable.
You can withdraw your consent for your image to be used by contacting us at or
By signing below, you confirm that you have read this consent form carefully and fully understand its meanings and implications. You confirm that in the unlikely event that the details are not specific, informed, or clear, you have asked further questions, to ensure your consent is valid.
Copies of the privacy notice provided with this form can also be requested via at any time.

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