Academic Requirements
Academic Entry Requirements
The admission requirements listed below are a general guide for entry to pathways at various stages. ICRGU offers a personalised study plan for students based on their educational background. Our Admission Office considers each application individually and will make you an offer based on your student profile and desired area of study.
A table outlining the subjects required for the undergraduate degree courses are detailed below. In addition, country-specific information is listed on the table that follows.
Subject Entry Requirements
The subjects required for the undergraduate degree courses are detailed below. Please choose your subject in the drop-down list below. In addition, country-specific information is listed on the table that follows.
Entry Requirements
Evidence of artistic ability
( 8-10 drawings, sketches or paintings)
Evidence of artistic ability ( 8-10 drawings, sketches or paintings)
Radiography - Two of the following; Maths, Chemistry, Biology or Physics.
Occupational therapy - Maths and one of the following; Chemistry, Biology or Physics.
Dietetics - Chemistry.
Nutrition/Forensic – Maths and Chemistry
Country Specific Academic Entry Requirements
Please use the search function below to input the country in which you undertook your academic studies.
Algeria | Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire: 5 passes at min grade 10 in each subject | Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire: 5 passes at min grade 10 in each subject | Successful completion of bachelor’s degree or equivalent. Those with Diplome d'EtudesUniveritaires Appliquees will need a CV with substantial work experience for Academic Board approval |
Angola | Habilitações literárias with a minimum of 5 subjects passed and an overall grade average of 12 | Habilitações literárias with a minimum of 5 subjects passed and an overall grade average of 12 | Successful completion of bachelor’s degree or equivalent. |
Austria | Reifeprüfungszeugnis / Maturazeugnis at grade 5 or above | Reifeprüfungszeugnis / Maturazeugnis at grade 5 or above | Successful completion of bachelor’s degree or equivalent. |
EU Baccalaureate | European Baccalaureate (EB) with 70% pass mark inclusive of English | European Baccalaureate (EB) with 70% pass mark inclusive of English | Successful completion of bachelor’s degree or equivalent. |
Austria | Reifeprüfungszeugnis / Maturazeugnis at grade 5 or above | Reifeprüfungszeugnis / Maturazeugnis at grade 5 or above | Successful completion of bachelor’s degree or equivalent. |
Azerbaijan | Successful completion of Attestat (Certificate of Secondary Education at grade 11) with an average grade of 3.2 | Successful completion of Attestat (Certificate of Secondary Education at grade 11) with an average grade of 3.0 | Successful completion of bachelor’s degree or equivalent. |
Bahrain | Completion of Tawjahiya/Thanawiya: minimum 60% average (Pharmacy: Special subjects at 75% or above) | Completion of Tawjahiya/Thanawiya: minimum 60% (with special subjects at 70% or above) | Successful completion of bachelor's degree with GPA 2.0 |
Bangladesh | Completion of HSC: GPA of 2.00 or grade C with no less than 45% in any subject | Completion of HSC: GPA of 2.00 or grade C with no less than 45% in any subject | Successful completion of bachelor’s degree or equivalent. |
Belarus | Certificate of General Secondary Education (Атэстат аб агульнай сярэдняй адукацыi) at grade 4 or above (foundation pathways and special subjects - min at grade 5) | Certificate of General Secondary Education (Атэстат аб агульнай сярэдняй адукацыi) at grade 4 or above (foundation pathways and special subjects - min at grade 5) | Successful completion of bachelor’s degree or equivalent. |
Belgium | Diploma van secundair onderwijs, Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrich, Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur/ Diplôme d’accès à l’enseignment supérieur with 50% pass mark | Diploma van secundair onderwijs, Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrich, Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur/ Diplôme d’accès à l’enseignment supérieur with 50% pass mark | Successful completion of bachelor’s degree or equivalent. |
Benin | Successful completion of Baccalaureat (Baccalaureat de l’enseignement secondaire general / Baccalaureat de l’Enseignement du Second Degre): 5 passes at minimum grade 12 | Successful completion of Baccalaureat (Baccalaureat de l’enseignement secondaire general / Baccalaureat de l’Enseignement du Second Degre): 5 passes at minimum grade 12 | Successful completion of Bachelor’s degree or equivalent (Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies/Diplome d’Etudes Superieures or Master) |
Bermuda | Bermuda School Diploma/ Bermuda School Certificate/ Bermuda Secondary School Certificate: 5 passes at grade D or above (Pharmacy & HS special subjects at D+) | Bermuda School Diploma/ Bermuda School Certificate/ Bermuda Secondary School Certificate: 5 passes at grade D or above (Pharmacy & HS special subjects at D+) | Successful completion of bachelor’s degree or equivalent. |
Botswana | Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE): 5 passes at grade C or above | Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE): 5 passes at grade C or above | Successful completion of 5-year Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent |
Bulgaria | Diploma of Completed Secondary Education with min pass park of 4 | Diploma of Completed Secondary Education with min pass park of 4 | Successful completion of a bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Brazil | Certificado de Ensino Medio with grade 4 average | Certificado de Ensino Medio with grade 4 average | Successful completion of 5-year Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent |
Cameroon | Baccalaureate: 5 passes at grade C or grade 10 | Baccalaureate: 5 passes at grade C or grade 10 | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Canada | Completion of Grade 11: 75% Average | Completion of Grade 11: 70% Average | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
China | Completion of Senior Middle 2: Minimum 75%; or • ‘Beijing Aidi School Certificate Programs’ with minimum Pass grade | Completion of Senior Middle 2: Minimum 65%; or • ‘Beijing Aidi School Certificate Programs’ with minimum Pass grade | Successful completion of Bachelor’s degree - includes selftaught degree • Dazhuan - minimum duration 2 years + |
Croatia | Certificate of Completion (3 year programme ): 5 passes at grade 3 or above | Certificate of Completion (3 year programme ): 5 passes at grade 3 or above | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Cyprus (South) | Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Apolytirio Lykeiou): 5 passes at grade 10/ 46-50 | Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Apolytirio Lykeiou): 5 passes at grade 10/ 46-50 | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Czech Republic | Maturita Vysvědčení o Maturitní Zkoušce (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) with grades 1-4 | Maturita Vysvědčení o Maturitní Zkoušce (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) with grades 1-4 | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Denmark | Folkeskolens 10 Klasseprøve (Class 10 Advanced Leaving Examination): 5 passes at grade 5 or above (year 2007 onwards) | Folkeskolens 10 Klasseprøve (Class 10 Advanced Leaving Examination): 5 passes at grade 5 or above (year 2007 onwards) | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Egypt | Certificate of General Secondary Education/ Secondary Education Certificate of Al-Azhar: 5 passes | Certificate of General Secondary Education/ Secondary Education Certificate of Al-Azhar: 5 passes | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Estonia | Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus (Secondary School Leaving Certificate/ Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus with the Riigieksamitunnistus (Secondary School Leaving Certificate with the State Examination Certificate) at minimum grade 5 | Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus (Secondary School Leaving Certificate/ Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus with the Riigieksamitunnistus (Secondary School Leaving Certificate with the State Examination Certificate) at minimum grade 5 | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Finland | Ylioppilastutkintotodistus / Studentexamensbetyg (Matriculation Examination Certificate) 4 passes at grade 3 or above | Ylioppilastutkintotodistus / Studentexamensbetyg (Matriculation Examination Certificate) 4 passes at grade 3 or above | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
France | diplôme de baccalauréat (French Baccalaureate)/ Diplôme d'accès aux études universitaires (DAEU) at grades 11/20 or above | diplôme de baccalauréat (French Baccalaureate)/ Diplôme d'accès aux études universitaires (DAEU) at grades 11/20 or above | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Gambia | School Certificate/General Certificate of Education/ West African Senior School Certificate : 5 passes at grades C6 or above | School Certificate/General Certificate of Education/ West African Senior School Certificate : 5 passes at grades C6 or above | Successful completion of UK bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Germany | Realschulabschluss/ Mittlere Reife/ Mittlere Schulabschluss/ Erweiterter Realschulabschluss/ Fachoberschulreife/ Sekundarbschluss at grades 2.5 to 3 | Realschulabschluss/ Mittlere Reife/ Mittlere Schulabschluss/ Erweiterter Realschulabschluss/ Fachoberschulreife/ Sekundarbschluss at grades 2.5 to 3 | Successful completion of a bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Ghana | SSCE: 5 passes at C6 or above | SSCE: 5 passes at C6 or above | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Greece | Apolytirio Genikou Lykeiou (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate ): 5 passes at grade 10/ 46-50 | Apolytirio Genikou Lykeiou (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate ): 5 passes at grade 10/ 46-50 | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Hong Kong HKDSE/ Form 4/5 | HKDSE (from 2012): HKDSE 3 passes at grade 2 (with specialist subjects at grade 3) Hong Kong Form 4 and 5: Consistent average at 60% | HKDSE (from 2012): 3 passes at Grade 2 Hong Kong Form 4 and 5: Consistent average at 60% | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Hungary | Érettségi 4 passes at grades 3 or above | Érettségi 4 passes at grades 3 or above | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
India | CISE Year 10 at 51% or above, CBSE Year 10 at grades A-C; India State Boards Year 12 at 45% - refer to special subject requirements. | CISE Year 10 at 51% or above, CBSE Year 10 at grades A-C; India State Boards Year 12 at 45% - refer to special subject requirements. | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent. |
Indonesia | Completion of SMU III or SMU II: Grade average 50-59% | Completion of SMU III or SMU II: Grade average 50-59% | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
International Baccalaureate | Completion of IB Certificate | Completion of IB Certificate | - |
Iran | Year 3 High School Diploma: Pass overall | Year 3 High School Diploma: Pass overall | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Iraq | Year 3 High School Diploma: Pass Overall | Year 3 High School Diploma: Pass Overall | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Ireland | Ardteistimeireacht (Leaving Certificate): 5 passes at grades A1 - C2 or above | Ardteistimeireacht (Leaving Certificate): 5 passes at grades A1 - C2 or above | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Italy | Diploma di Maturita (Classica/Scientifica/ Linguistica)/ Diploma di Esame di Stato (Diploma) with overall score of 65% or 65/100 points | Diploma di Maturita (Classica/Scientifica/ Linguistica)/ Diploma di Esame di Stato (Diploma) with overall score of 65% or 65/100 points | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Japan | Year 3 Kotogakko: GPA 2.0 | Year 3 Kotogakko: GPA 2.0 | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Jordan | Completion of Tawjahiya/Thanawiya: minimum 60% average (Pharmacy: Special subjects at 75% or above) | Completion of Tawjahiya/Thanawiya: minimum 60% (with special subjects at 70% or above) | Successful completion of a bachelor's degree or equivalent: minimum GPA 2.2 |
Kazakhstan | Successful completion of Attestat (Certificate of Secondary Education at grade 11) with an average grade of 3.2 | Successful completion of Attestat (Certificate of Secondary Education at grade 11) with an average grade of 3.0 | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Kenya and East Africa | KCSE / CSE: 5 passes or above | KCSE / CSE: 5 passes or above | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Korea | Senior Middle 2 with GPA 2.0 or rank 6 | Senior Middle 2 with GPA 2.0 or rank 6 | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Kuwait | Completion of Tawjahiya/Thanawiya: minimum 60% average (Pharmacy: Special subjects at 75% or above) | Completion of Tawjahiya/Thanawiya: minimum 60% (with special subjects at 70% or above) | Successful completion of Bachelor’s degree or equivalent with GPA 2.0 |
Kyrgyzstan | Successful completion of Attestat (Certificate of completed Secondary Education at grade 11) with an average grade of 3.2 | Successful completion of Attestat (Certificate of completed Secondary Education at grade 11) with an average grade of 3.2 | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Latvia | Atestats par visparejo videjo izglitibu (Certificate of General Secondary Education) with Pass mark 4 (old system) or CEFR level B1/ 40-69% (current system) | Atestats par visparejo videjo izglitibu (Certificate of General Secondary Education) with Pass mark 4 (old system) or CEFR level B1/ 40-69% (current system) | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Lithuania | Brandos Atestatas with a min. pass mark of 6 on a 10 point scale or 16-35 on a 100 point scale | Brandos Atestatas with a min. pass mark of 6 on a 10 point scale or 16-35 on a 100 point scale | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Luxembourg | Diplôme de Fin d’Etudes Secondaires/Diplôme de Fin d’Etudes Secondaires Technique: 5 passes with minimum pass mark between 36-39 | Diplôme de Fin d’Etudes Secondaires/Diplôme de Fin d’Etudes Secondaires Technique: 5 passes with minimum pass mark between 36-39 | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Macau | Completion of Senior Middle 2: Minimum 70% | Completion of Senior Middle 2: Minimum 65% | Bachelor degree or Completion of 2 year diploma (DaZhuan) or equivalent |
Malawi | Malawi School Certificate of Education: 5 passes at grade 6 or above | Malawi School Certificate of Education: 5 passes at grade 6 or above | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Malaysia | UEC: 5 passes at grade C; or SPM: 3 passes at Grade D | UEC: 5 passes at grade C; or SPM: 3 passes at Grade D | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Malta | Secondary Education Certificate: 5 passes at grades 1-5 | Secondary Education Certificate: 5 passes at grades 1-5 | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Mauritius | General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level: 5 passes at grades A-C | General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level: 5 passes at grades A-C | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Mexico | Min pass mark of 6 or 60% at: • Profesional Técnico / Técnico Profesional en [subject area]; • Profesional Técnico Bachiller en [subject area] • Título Académico de Bachiller / Diploma de Bachiller / Bachillerato General; • Título de Técnico | Min pass mark of 6 or 60% at: • Profesional Técnico / Técnico Profesional en [subject area]; • Profesional Técnico Bachiller en [subject area] • Título Académico de Bachiller / Diploma de Bachiller / Bachillerato General; • Título de Técnico | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Morocco | Attestation Du Baccalaureat 2 passes with score (per subject) no less than 9 | Attestation Du Baccalaureat 2 passes with score (per subject) no less than 9 | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Myanmar | Completion of basic Education High School Examination Matriculation: pass overall | Completion of basic Education High School Examination Matriculation: pass overall | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Namibia | Senior Certificate/ Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate (ordinary level): 5 passes at A-C | Senior Certificate/ Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate (ordinary level): 5 passes at A-C | Successful completion of UK bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Nepal | Completion of HSC: GPA of 2.00 or grade C with no less than 45% in any subject; Or • SLC with 5 passes | Completion of HSC: GPA of 2.00 or grade C with no less than 45% in any subject; Or • SLC with 5 passes | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Netherlands | Diploma Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) (Gymnasium A/B and Atheneum A/B) diploma: 5 passes at grades 6 or above | Diploma Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) (Gymnasium A/B and Atheneum A/B) diploma: 5 passes at grades 6 or above | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Nigeria | WAEC/NECO: 5 passes at C6 or above - including English Language. If English Language grade is not available, an alternative qualification will be required I.E. IELTS or ToEFL | WAEC/NECO: 5 passes at C6 or above - including English Language. If English Language grade is not available, an alternative qualification will be required I.E. IELTS or ToEFL | Successful completion of bachelors degree (or equivalent) or Nigerian HND* |
Norway | Avgangseksamen (Final Examination from Lower Secondary School at grades Good, Very good, Excellent | Avgangseksamen (Final Examination from Lower Secondary School at grades Good, Very good, Excellent | Successful completion of a bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Oman | Completion of Tawjahiya/Thanawiya: minimum 60% average (Pharmacy: Special subjects at 75% or above) | Completion of Tawjahiya/Thanawiya: minimum 60% (with special subjects at 70% or above) | Successful completion of bachelor's degree with GPA 2.0 |
Pakistan | Completion of HSC with a minimum overall grade of 50% and 50% in relevant subjects. | Completion of HSC with a minimum overall grade of 50% and 50% in relevant subjects. | Successful completion of bachelor’s degree or equivalent. |
Panama | Completion of • Bachillerato / Bachiller en [subject area] grade 3 or above; or • High School Graduation Diploma grade C or above; or • Técnico (Superior) en [subject area] with a strong personal statement | Completion of • Bachillerato / Bachiller en [subject area] grade 3 or above; or • High School Graduation Diploma grade C or above; or • Técnico (Superior) en [subject area] with a strong personal statement | Successful completion of Licenciado / Título de [subject area] studied over a duration of 4yrs or successful completion of UK bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Peru | Successful completion • Certificado de Educación Secundaria Común Completa – with grades of 11 or above; or • Título de Técnico –with grades of 11 or above; or • Certificado de Auxiliar Técnico – with grades of 11 or above | Successful completion • Certificado de Educación Secundaria Común Completa – with grades of 11 or above; or • Título de Técnico –with grades of 11 or above; or • Certificado de Auxiliar Técnico – with grades of 11 or above | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Poland | Świadectwo Ukończenia Liceum Ogólnokształcącego (Certificate of Completion from a General Lyceum , świadectwo dojrzałości (Certificate of Maturity) at min. grades 3 or 40% (special subjects at 50%) | Świadectwo Ukończenia Liceum Ogólnokształcącego (Certificate of Completion from a General Lyceum , świadectwo dojrzałości (Certificate of Maturity) at min. grades 3 or 40% (special subjects at 50%) | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Portugal | Certificado de fim de estudos secundários, Diploma Nivel Secundário de Educação/ Certificado Nivel Secundário de Educação at min. grade 12/20 | Certificado de fim de estudos secundários, Diploma Nivel Secundário de Educação/ Certificado Nivel Secundário de Educação at min. grade 12/20 | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Qatar | Completion of Tawjahiya/Thanawiya: minimum 60% average (Pharmacy: Special subjects at 75% or above) | Completion of Tawjahiya/Thanawiya: minimum 60% (with special subjects at 70% or above) | Successful completion of bachelor's degree with GPA 2.0 |
Romania | Certificat de Absolvire a Ciclului Inferior al Liceului (Junior High School Graduation Certificate), Certificat de Absolvire a Liceului (High School Graduation Certificate), Diplomă / Certificat de Absolvire a Invăţământului Obligatoriu de 10 ani (Compulsory Education Graduation Diploma / Certificate (Grade 10) at min grades 6 or above | Certificat de Absolvire a Ciclului Inferior al Liceului (Junior High School Graduation Certificate), Certificat de Absolvire a Liceului (High School Graduation Certificate), Diplomă / Certificat de Absolvire a Invăţământului Obligatoriu de 10 ani (Compulsory Education Graduation Diploma / Certificate (Grade 10) at min grades 6 or above | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Russia | Successful completion of Attestat (Certificate of Secondary Education at grade 11) with an average grade of 3.2 | Successful completion of Attestat (Certificate of Secondary Education at grade 11) with an average grade of 3.0 | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Rwanda | Successful completion of Ordinary Level Certificate of Education at grades C6 or above | Successful completion of Ordinary Level Certificate of Education at grades C6 or above | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Saudi Arabia | Completion of Tawjahiya/Thanawiya: minimum 60% average (Pharmacy: Special subjects at 75% or above) | Completion of Tawjahiya/Thanawiya: minimum 60% (with special subjects at 70% or above) | Successful completion of bachelor's degree with GPA 2.0 |
Singapore | Sec 4: Pass Overall | Sec 4: Pass Overall | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Slovakia | Vysved˘cenie o Maturitnej Skú ˘ske/Maturita (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) at grades 4 or above | Vysved˘cenie o Maturitnej Skú ˘ske/Maturita (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) at grades 4 or above | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Slovenia | Maturitetno Spricevalo (Matura certificate) at grades 3 or above | SMaturitetno Spricevalo (Matura certificate) at grades 3 or above | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
South Africa | Completion of Year 11 or O Levels: 5 passes from grades A-C | Completion of Year 11 or O Levels: 5 passes from grades A-C | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
South Korea | Senior Middle 2: GPA 2.0 or rank 6 | Senior Middle 2: GPA 2.0 or rank 6 | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Spain | Titulo de Graduado en Educacion Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) at grade 5/suficiente or above | Titulo de Graduado en Educacion Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) at grade 5/suficiente or above | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Sri Lanka | Completion of Year 11 with GCE O Levels or equivalent: Minimum 5 GCE O Levels from grades A-C | Completion of Year 11 with GCE O Levels or equivalent: Minimum 5 GCE O Levels from grades A-C | Successful completion of HND when awarded by SLIATE or successful completion of bachelor's degree. |
Sweden | Slutbetyg från grundskolan at minimum grades A-C/MVG-VG/ 5-3 | Slutbetyg från grundskolan at minimum grades A-C/MVG-VG/ 5-3 | Successful completion of a bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Taiwan | Completion of Senior Middle 2: Minimum 70% | Completion of Senior Middle 2: Minimum 65% | Bachelor degree or Completion of 2 year diploma (DaZhuan) or equivalent |
Tanzania | Certificate of Secondary Education/ CSEE / Secondary School leaving certificate: 5 passes at grades A-C | Certificate of Secondary Education/ CSEE / Secondary School leaving certificate: 5 passes at grades A-C | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Thailand | Certificate of Secondary Education/Senior High School/Matthayom 6: 5 passes (GPA 3.0) | Certificate of Secondary Education/Senior High School/Matthayom 6: 5 passes (GPA 3.0) | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Turkey | Devlet Meslek Lise Diplomasi: Completion of High School Certificate | Devlet Meslek Lise Diplomasi / Lise Diplomasi / On-Lisans Diplomasi: Grade 3 (65%) and above | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Uganda | Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE): when grades 1-6 are obtained | Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE): when grades 1-6 are obtained | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Ukraine | Successful completion of Attestat (Certificate of Secondary Education at grade 11) with an average grade of 3.2 | Successful completion of Attestat (Certificate of Secondary Education at grade 11) with an average grade of 3.0 | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
United Arab Emirates | Completion of Tawjahiya/Thanawiya: minimum 60% average (Pharmacy: Special subjects at 75% or above) | Completion of Tawjahiya/Thanawiya: minimum 60% (with special subjects at 70% or above) | Successful completion of bachelor's degree with GPA 2.0 |
United Kingdom | 5 GCSE passes: grade C or above | 5 GCSE passes: grade C or above | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
USA | High School Diploma: GPA 2.5 | High School Diploma: GPA 2.0 | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Venezuela | Bachillerato with an overall average grade of 60% - Titulo de Educacion Media General:5 passes at grade 12 | Bachillerato with an overall average grade of 60% - Titulo de Educacion Media General:5 passes at grade 10 | Successful completion of a 4-year bachelor's degree with an average GPA of 5 on a scale of 10 or 2.5 on a scale of 5 |
Vietnam | Completion of Year 11: GPA 6.5 | Completion of Year 11: GPA 6.5 | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Zambia | General Certificate of Education/School Certificate – 5 passes (Grades A-C) | General Certificate of Education/School Certificate – 5 passes (Grades A-C) | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |
Zimbabwe | ZIMSEC: 5 passes at A-C | ZIMSEC: 5 passes at A-C | Successful completion of bachelor's degree or equivalent |